Sunday 14 July 2013

The Boogens (1981)

Off down the ol' abandoned silver mine we go this week to find THE BOOGENS!

Boogens... Boogens... Ya had to let 'em out, didn't ya!? Couldn't leave well enough alone, could ya!?

Here's where The Boogens succeeds over practically all other monster movies: I was rooting for the main characters not the monster. I wanted them to survive.

The silver mine in town suffered a cave-in around century ago (under mysterious circumstances!) and, just as the story opens, it's being blasted open again. What could possibly go wrong?... Well, when this same spooky, century-old mine is connected to every house in the area, probably, quite a lot.

Ghoulies meets Within the Rock, The Boogens is a cheap film that does plenty right. And I loved it.

Do yourself a favour (and support SCUNGE in the process) and purchase THE BOOGENS on Amazon or Amazon UK. You'll be glad you did.

Next week we're watching TIMEBOMB!

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